ACEIS - Addiction Counseling Education & Information Services

Helping to "break the chain" of addiction!

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Here at ACEIS, we believe that addiction can be rooted in the distorted thoughts that people may hold about themselves and their relationships with; other people, places or things.

...distorted thought examples... 


We believe that over time, these 'distorted thoughts' (reinforced by the use of alcohol and other drugs) help create very strong 'mental links' that begin to form a powerful 'psychological chain' that shackles the person to a life of addiction. We seek to assist our clients in developing the cognitive skills needed to identify, understand and weaken these 'mental links' so that they can ultimately 'break the chain' of addiction in their lives.

" We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if 

we cannot change our thinking. "  

-- Santosh Kalwar,

Quote Me Everyday

ACEIS - Addiction Counseling Education and Information Services


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